Isobe Tokimoto (磯部時基)

Tokimoto ISOBE (the date of birth and death unknown) was a busho (Japanese military commander) during the early Kamakura period. He was the sixth son of Nobuzane KAJI. Hidetada ISOBE, Sanehide KAJI, Yoshitsuna KURATA, Ujitsuna SASSA and Awa no Tsubone were his siblings. Tokimoto served as the Saemon no jo (third-ranked officer of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards).
His common name was Rokurozaemon
Motouji was his son. Tokimoto ISOBE is also called Tokimoto SASAKI.

Originally, Tokimoto's family name was KAJI, but he succeeded the Isobe clan since the family line of Isobe ended when Kagehide ISOBE died, a grandson of Hidetada ISOBE, Tokimoto's elder brother.

[Original Japanese]